Global unions meet Myanmar NUG minister, vow to continue struggle for democracy

Global unions meet Myanmar NUG minister, vow to continue struggle for democracy

Side by side with the International Labour Conference’s (ILC) historic vote invoking Article 33 of its constitution on Belarus’ flagrant disregard of its workers’ rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining, BWI General Secretary Ambet Yuson and fellow global union leaders met with Myanmar National Unity Government (NUG) Human Rights Minister Aung Myo Min to reiterate the Council of Global Unions’ (CGU) unwavering support for the Myanmar people's struggle to restore freedom and democracy in their country and bring the military regime to justice.

Minister Aung Myo Min applauded the CGU’s efforts to mobilise the global trade union movement to shape international public opinion favourable towards the recognition of the NUG and the imposition of more economic sanctions against the military junta and those that continue to foster trade and business relations with the illegitimate regime.

“Trade unions can only thrive in a real democracy, which the military junta has repeatedly denied the Myanmar working people. It’s time that the international community put an end to this military dictatorship and accord the Myanmar people the peace and development that they truly deserved,” Yuson said.

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) is currently holding its 111th annual Conference in Geneva, which started on 5 June and will conclude on 16 June. A wide range of worker issues are being discussed including workers and trade union rights under repressive regimes.